Crack the Microsoft Azure Network Engineer Exam Easily

  • Azure network engineer exam
  • Published by: André Hammer on Feb 12, 2024

Want to pass the Microsoft Azure Network Engineer exam easily?

Here are some tips and tricks to help you succeed:

  • Mastering the Azure network can give you an edge in the tech industry.
  • Whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional, these tips will help you crack the exam effortlessly.
  • Stay tuned to boost your skills and ace the exam with flying colours.

Skills Measured for Azure Network Engineer Exam

Core Networking Infrastructure

The core networking infrastructure is essential for network connectivity and performance. It acts as the backbone linking devices and systems.

Designing this infrastructure involves routers, switches, and firewalls. It's important to consider scalability, redundancy, and security.

Network engineers configure these devices to enable smooth communication and data transfer within the network.

They establish routing protocols, use VLANs for segmentation, and monitor traffic patterns to maintain efficient data transmission.

Quality of service (QoS) policies are implemented to prioritise critical traffic and ensure performance stability.

By focusing on these aspects, engineers enhance the stability and efficiency of the core network infrastructure.

IP Addressing

IP addressing in a network helps identify devices on the network.

IPv4 has 32-bit numbers split into four 8-bit octets in decimal.

IPv6? It has 128-bit numbers in hexadecimal, offering a larger address space.

Subnetting divides networks into smaller parts for efficient address use and organization.

This helps manage traffic and improve security by controlling network access.

Using subnets boosts scalability and performance in network design,

making it a crucial part of managing an IP network.

Name Resolution

Name resolution involves converting domain names to IP addresses. This helps devices communicate smoothly.

DNS and WINS are common methods used for this translation. They support different types of networks.

Problems with name resolution, like incorrect DNS settings or network interruptions, can greatly affect connectivity and performance. This may cause delays, failed connections, and disruptions.

It's important to have effective name resolution systems in place for a stable network. Accurate resolution of domain names to IP addresses helps prevent connectivity problems and enhances communication flow.

VNet Connectivity

Azure offers different methods for connecting Virtual Networks (VNets) like Virtual Network Gateway, VNet peering, and VPN Gateway.

These options ensure secure and reliable communication between VNets in Azure. For example, VNet peering connects virtual networks without using virtual network gateways or VPN connections.

By setting up VNet peering, Azure resources in different VNets can communicate securely. This is useful when resources need to collaborate across various virtual networks.

VNet peering also simplifies network architecture by allowing resources in separate VNets to communicate seamlessly.

It is important for network engineers to understand these connectivity options in Azure to enhance network communication effectively.


Routing in a network infrastructure directs traffic efficiently. It determines the best path for data packets. This helps them reach their destination without delays.

Network engineers use routing protocols like OSPF and BGP to make this happen. These protocols ensure that data moves through the network in the most effective way. This reduces delays and makes the best use of available bandwidth.

OSPF and BGP establish rules for communication between network devices. These rules ensure that data follows the best route possible.

For example, OSPF calculates the shortest path to a destination using link-state routing. BGP makes routing decisions based on policies set by the network administrator.

Understanding routing protocols is crucial for Azure network engineers. It helps them design and maintain network architectures. This guarantees optimal performance and reliability for data transmission.

Design and Implement Azure Network Security

Firewall and Front Door

A firewall acts as a barrier between a trusted internal network and untrusted external networks. It filters incoming and outgoing traffic using predefined security rules.

The firewall helps prevent unauthorized access and cyber threats from compromising the network. It monitors and controls network traffic to enhance security.

A front door service, similar to a firewall, is focused on web applications and services. It plays a role in enhancing security and performance.

This service provides capabilities like web application firewall, DDoS protection, and content delivery network services. It acts as the first line of defense for web applications.

The front door service protects web applications from online threats and ensures optimal performance for users.

Integrating both firewall and front door services is important for maintaining a secure network environment. This is especially crucial for the Azure network engineer exam.

Manage Connectivity Services

Site-to-Site VPN Connection

Setting up a Site-to-Site VPN connection involves:

  • VPN gateway devices
  • IPsec encryption
  • Tunneling protocols like IKEv2 or SSTP

These components work together to connect two networks securely over the internet.

Compared to a Point-to-Site VPN, a Site-to-Site connection needs VPN gateways at each site. This setup enables a continuous and secure connection between networks, allowing all devices to communicate safely.

When configuring a Site-to-Site VPN, key factors like bandwidth needs, network layout, and security protocols should be considered for optimal performance and security. By establishing encryption, authentication methods, and routing rules correctly, network engineers can ensure a secure and reliable connection, protecting data transmission.

Point-to-Site VPN Connection

A Point-to-Site VPN Connection lets users connect securely to a virtual network from a remote location. It does this by creating an encrypted tunnel between the user's device and the network. This protects data from potential security threats.

When setting up a Point-to-Site VPN Connection in Azure, important components to consider are:

  • Configuring the VPN gateway
  • Creating client certificates for authentication
  • Defining the IP address pool for client connections

Other factors to think about include network latency, bandwidth requirements, and firewall settings. These all help ensure a reliable connection.

By using a Point-to-Site VPN Connection, organisations can improve the security of their resources within a virtual network. It does this by only allowing authorised users access. This reduces the chances of unauthorized access and data breaches.

Azure ExpressRoute

Azure ExpressRoute is a private connection service by Azure. It helps organisations link their on-premises networks to Azure securely and reliably.

Unlike public internet connections, Azure ExpressRoute offers a more secure way to access Azure services. It does this by bypassing the public internet entirely. This ensures lower latency, higher reliability, and increased security for data transfer between on-premises networks and Azure resources.

By using Azure ExpressRoute, organisations can boost network performance and reliability. This is achieved by reducing potential network congestion, enhancing network connectivity speeds, and ensuring consistent data transfer quality. Ultimately, this can enhance user experience accessing cloud resources, improve application performance, and enhance overall network stability.

Organisations considering Azure ExpressRoute should think about bandwidth requirements, network architecture compatibility, costs, and data security. Proper planning and design are vital for a successful integration of Azure ExpressRoute into an existing network infrastructure without disruptions or performance issues.

Virtual WAN Architecture

When designing a Virtual WAN Architecture, it's essential to consider factors such as bandwidth needs, security, and scalability.

Virtual WAN Architecture connects different locations securely, facilitating smooth data transfer and traffic management.

Organizations can benefit from centralizing network management, boosting performance, and cutting operational expenses through software-defined networking.

Implementing Virtual WAN Architecture offers advantages like improved network flexibility, better user experience, and simpler network setup and upkeep.

By using this architecture, organizations can improve their network operations, connectivity, and adaptability to changing business needs efficiently.

Monitor and Optimize Networks

Application Delivery Services

Application Delivery Services, like Load Balancer, help improve performance and availability. They distribute network traffic across multiple servers to avoid overload and ensure a smooth user experience.

Factors to consider when implementing these services include scalability, security, and geographical distribution. This ensures efficient delivery of applications to end users.

Monitoring and optimizing these services are crucial. Tracking metrics like server response times, traffic patterns, and potential bottlenecks allows network engineers to identify and fix issues quickly, ensuring optimal application delivery.

This proactive approach boosts user satisfaction and optimises the network's efficiency and reliability.

Load Balancer

A Load Balancer distributes incoming network traffic across multiple servers. It does this by routing requests based on criteria such as server load, location, or traffic type.

This helps to evenly distribute the workload and prevent servers from getting overwhelmed. This, in turn, improves the performance and reliability of network applications.

The benefits of using a Load Balancer in a network infrastructure are:

  • Increased scalability by easily adding new servers to handle growing traffic.
  • Enhanced fault tolerance by rerouting traffic away from a failed server to maintain uptime.
  • Improved performance by optimizing server resource utilization.

To configure and manage a Load Balancer:

  • Network engineers set up rules for traffic distribution.
  • They monitor server health and make real-time adjustments.
  • Features like SSL offloading or caching can be used to improve efficiency.

Regular maintenance and updates to the Load Balancer configuration are also important to meet the needs of network applications.

Audience Profile

The audience for the Azure network engineer exam are professionals in IT or networking. They have experience in cloud computing, likely holding certifications like Azure Administrator or Azure Solutions Architect.

They work in the IT industry for companies that use cloud services for networking. These professionals know about Azure networking components, like virtual networks, load balancers, and VPN gateways. They create secure and scalable network environments on the Azure platform.

Key takeaways

Passing the Microsoft Azure Network Engineer exam can be easy with these tips and strategies:

  • Understand key concepts thoroughly.
  • Practice with sample questions regularly.

These tools are essential for success in the exam.

Following these guidelines will help you pass the exam confidently and achieve certification.

Readynez offers a 3-day Microsoft Azure Network Engineer Course and Certification Program, providing you with all the learning and support you need to successfully prepare for the exam and certification. The AZ-700 Microsoft Azure Network Engineer course, and all our other Microsoft courses, are also included in our unique Unlimited Microsoft Training offer, where you can attend the Microsoft Azure Network Engineer and 60+ other Microsoft courses for just €199 per month, the most flexible and affordable way to get your Microsoft Certifications.

Please reach out to us with any questions or if you would like a chat about your opportunity with the Microsoft Azure Network Engineer certification and how you best achieve it. 


What are the key topics covered in the Microsoft Azure Network Engineer Exam?

Key topics covered in the Microsoft Azure Network Engineer Exam include designing and implementing virtual networks, configuring network security, managing and optimizing network traffic, and monitoring and troubleshooting network connectivity.

Are there any recommended study materials for preparing for the exam?

Yes, recommended study materials include official exam prep books, online practice tests, and study guides from reputable sources. For example, using study materials from the exam's official website or trusted educational publishers can help you prepare effectively.

What are some important tips for passing the Microsoft Azure Network Engineer Exam?

Some important tips for passing the Microsoft Azure Network Engineer Exam are:

  1. Study the exam topics thoroughly and practice with hands-on labs.
  2. Review official Microsoft documentation and certification training materials.
  3. Take practice exams to assess your readiness and identify areas for improvement.

What type of questions can I expect on the exam?

You can expect a variety of question types on the exam, including multiple-choice, true/false, short answer, and essay questions. Make sure to review and practice answering all question types to be well-prepared.

Is there a specific format for the exam, such as multiple choice or hands-on tasks?

The exam includes a combination of multiple-choice questions and hands-on tasks. For example, you may be asked to troubleshoot a simulated network issue or configure a system based on given requirements.

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