Easy Guide to CISSP Training

  • Cyber Security Professional
  • Training
  • Published by: André Hammer on Jan 06, 2024
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Are you interested in advancing your career in cybersecurity? The Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification is a great option. CISSP training can help you improve your skills and knowledge in cybersecurity. This easy guide will cover everything you need to know about getting started with CISSP training. Whether you're experienced or just starting out, CISSP training can give you the expertise you need to succeed in cybersecurity.

Let's dive in and learn more about this valuable certification.

What Is CISSP?

The CISSP certification is well-known worldwide for information security professionals. It shows expertise in designing, engineering, and managing security for organizations.

Benefits of CISSP certification include better job opportunities, higher earnings, and a deeper understanding of security principles.

To get CISSP certification, candidates need at least five years of full-time work experience in at least two of the eight domains. They also have to pass a multiple-choice exam with 100-150 questions.

CISSP certification is valuable for those seeking to advance their careers in information security.

Steps to Start CISSP Training

Understand the Requirements

The requirements for CISSP training are specific:

  • Five years of paid work experience in at least two of the eight domains of (ISC)² CISSP CBK is needed.
  • These domains include security and risk management, asset security, security architecture and engineering, communication and network security, identity and access management, security assessment and testing, security operations, and software development security.

To understand the requirements for CISSP training thoroughly:

  • Review the eligibility criteria outlined by (ISC)².
  • Assess if your professional experience aligns with the necessary domains.

It's also helpful to:

  • Connect with professionals who have completed CISSP training for valuable insight.
  • Understand potential obstacles such as insufficient experience in the relevant domains and balancing work responsibilities with training commitments.

Choose a Study Path

When considering CISSP training, it's important to first determine your long-term career goals in cybersecurity. Do you want to specialize in network security, software development security, or another area? Choosing a study path that aligns with your career objectives is crucial.

Identifying your preferred learning style - whether visual, auditory, or kinesthetic - can help determine the most effective study approach. If you have a busy schedule or prefer flexibility, online courses may be the best method. Others might benefit more from in-person workshops or self-study materials.

Make a Study Schedule

A successful CISSP study schedule should ideally dedicate at least 2-3 hours per day, or 10-15 hours per week, to cover all the necessary material thoroughly. It should cover specific topics like Security and Risk Management, Asset Security, Security Architecture and Engineering, Communication and Network Security, Identity and Access Management, Security Assessment and Testing, Security Operations, and Software Development Security.

To accommodate different learning styles, the study schedule can be structured to include a variety of learning methods such as reading textbooks, taking practice tests, watching instructional videos, and engaging in hands-on lab exercises. This allows visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners to all benefit from the study schedule and absorb the material effectively.

Key Areas of CISSP Training

Security and Risk Management

CISSP training focuses on key areas of Security and Risk Management. These areas include identifying and implementing security controls, conducting security assessments, and managing security operations. Understanding these principles and practices is important for cybersecurity and prepares individuals for the CISSP certification exam.

Instructors use various teaching methods, such as lectures, hands-on labs, group discussions, and online resources, to accommodate different learning styles in CISSP training. This approach helps participants grasp complex security concepts and apply them in real-world scenarios.

Before starting CISSP training, individuals should assess their current cybersecurity knowledge, set learning goals, and choose a reputable training provider offering comprehensive CISSP courses. The training program covers the eight domains of CISSP, including security and risk management, asset security, security architecture and engineering, and communication and network security. Following a structured approach to CISSP training helps individuals prepare effectively for the certification exam and advance their careers in cybersecurity.

Asset Security

Asset security is very important in CISSP training. Organizations can protect their assets by using strong access controls, encryption, and regular security audits. These measures help in safeguarding sensitive data, financial information, and intellectual property from unauthorized access or theft.

In the CISSP training program, key components of asset security include risk management, security engineering, and communication and network security. These focus on identifying and mitigating risks, designing and implementing secure systems, and ensuring secure communication over networks, respectively.

To ensure asset security against evolving cyber threats, individuals or organizations can employ strategies such as staying updated with the latest security trends, conducting regular security assessments, and implementing multi-layered defense mechanisms. By continually evaluating and adapting their security posture, they can effectively mitigate the risks posed by evolving cyber threats and enhance their asset security.

Security Architecture and Engineering

Security architecture and engineering play a crucial role in ensuring the overall information security within an organization. By designing and implementing secure architecture and engineering solutions, companies can protect their sensitive data, systems, and networks from unauthorized access, data breaches, and other security threats.

Key principles and best practices in this area include the use of encryption, authentication mechanisms, and secure coding techniques to build robust and resilient security systems.

Additionally, security architecture and engineering can address current and emerging threats in the cybersecurity landscape by continuously monitoring, analyzing, and adapting to new attack vectors and vulnerabilities.

For example, the implementation of intrusion detection and prevention systems can help organizations detect and mitigate potential threats in real-time. By adhering to these principles and best practices, businesses can establish a strong security foundation that protects their assets and maintains the trust of their customers and stakeholders.

Communication and Network Security

Communication and network security training covers important areas like encryption, data protection, secure network architecture, and secure protocols. CISSP practice tests help individuals prepare for this training by getting them familiar with the format and types of questions that may be asked. To succeed in CISSP training for communication and network security, individuals should focus on understanding the underlying concepts and principles.

They should also stay updated on the latest industry standards and best practices, and practice critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Seeking out supplemental resources such as study guides, online forums, or professional networking opportunities can provide valuable insights and support.

Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Identity and Access Management (IAM) is an important part of cybersecurity. It helps organizations protect their sensitive data and systems. IAM manages and controls access to digital resources for employees, customers, and partners to ensure only authorized individuals can access specific systems and data.

IAM uses key components like authentication, authorization, and user identity management. For instance, many organizations use multi-factor authentication to verify a user's identity by requiring two or more pieces of evidence before granting access. Role-based access control (RBAC) is another common method, determining what information or systems users can access based on their specific role within the organization.

These components work together to create an effective IAM system, helping to reduce the risk of unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyber attacks.

Security Assessment and Testing

Security Assessment and Testing involves various methods to evaluate system or network security. These methods include penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, and ethical hacking to identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Regular security tests are crucial to identify and address security gaps, ensuring effective protection against threats. Organizations can stay ahead of evolving security risks and address vulnerabilities by conducting security assessments and testing regularly.

It is important to regularly assess and test security measures to keep up with changing cybersecurity threats. These methods help ensure the security of systems and networks in today's digital age.

Security Operations

Security Operations has a few main parts: incident detection, response, and recovery.

Using security information and event management (SIEM) systems, organizations gather and analyze security data to find potential threats and vulnerabilities.

Also, intrusion detection and prevention systems help spot unauthorized activity, and security analytics tools give insights into emerging risks.

To manage security operations effectively, organizations should set up a strong security operations center (SOC) with skilled professionals who can respond quickly to security incidents. They should also do regular security assessments and audits to ensure that their policies and controls work.

Keeping up with industry trends and threat intelligence and working with industry peers to share best practices also helps optimize security operations.

Software Development Security

Security can be integrated into software development by implementing measures and considerations at each stage. This includes security reviews during design, secure coding during implementation, and stringent security testing. Best practices involve following coding standards, input validation, and output encoding. Tools like static code analysis and dynamic application security testing can help identify and eliminate security weaknesses.

To stay updated on security threats, developers can participate in education and training programs, attend conferences, and join security communities.

Types of CISSP Training

Online Courses

Individuals who want to undergo CISSP training have various online course options. They can opt for self-paced courses, instructor-led courses, or a combination of both. When choosing a study path, they should consider factors like their learning style, schedule, and the amount of support they require. For those who prefer structure, instructor-led courses offer guidance from experts and interaction with peers.

In-Person Workshops

In-person workshops for CISSP training offer many benefits. Participants can engage in interactive discussions and hands-on activities, deepening their understanding of the material. They can also network and collaborate with other professionals, forming valuable connections. Industry experts provide real-world insights and practical advice, complementing theoretical knowledge gained from self-study.

The workshops cater to various learning styles, including visual, auditory, and kinesthetic, with presentations, group discussions, and practical exercises. This ensures that all participants can effectively absorb and retain the information presented in CISSP training.

Self-Study Materials

You can find self-study materials for CISSP training that cover areas like cybersecurity, risk management, asset security, security architecture, engineering, communication, network security, and identity access management.

These materials include textbooks, online courses, practice tests, and video tutorials. They also come in study guides, flashcards, and interactive learning platforms.

By offering a variety of options, individuals can choose the materials that work best for their learning style and pace.

Taking CISSP Practice Tests

Studying for the CISSP exam with practice tests is very helpful. It lets you check what you know and where you need to focus.

Practice tests also help you get used to the test format and time management. To make the most of practice tests, it's good to include them in your study routine, understand why certain answers are right, and track your progress over time.

You can find practice tests on the ² website, from other test prep providers, and through online communities. Using these resources can improve your grasp of the material and make you feel more confident for the real exam.

Tips to Succeed in CISSP Training

Stay Consistent with Studying

Studying for CISSP training can be easier by following a regular study schedule. It's important to set specific goals, review previous material, and take short study sessions daily. Also, don't forget to take breaks and stay disciplined. Consistent revision is key for comprehension and preparing for the CISSP exam. It's crucial to stay consistent as it helps in understanding the extensive material and retaining knowledge effectively.

The CISSP certification exam covers a wide range of topics, so staying consistent with studying can increase the chances of passing with flying colors.

Join Study Groups

Study groups for CISSP training have many benefits:

  1. Interactive learning: You can engage with others while learning.
  2. Resource sharing: You can share study materials and resources.
  3. Gain different perspectives: You can understand complex concepts from different viewpoints.

Joining a study group can make CISSP training more supportive and collaborative. It provides peer accountability, motivation, and helps in problem-solving. To find a study group, reach out to colleagues or classmates, look in online forums and social media groups, and connect with professional organizations. It's important to join a well-organized group focused on CISSP exam preparation. Setting clear goals and establishing ground rules can ensure a successful learning experience.

Use Various Study Materials

Using different study materials in CISSP training has many benefits.

First, it helps individuals understand concepts better by approaching them from different angles. For instance, using both traditional textbooks and online resources like quizzes and video lectures offers a thorough learning experience. Also, varied study materials can cater to different learning styles. Visual learners may benefit from diagrams and infographics, while auditory learners may prefer podcasts and recorded lectures. Furthermore, using a variety of study materials can make the learning process more engaging and enjoyable, including practice exams, flashcards, and hands-on labs. By using these diverse materials, individuals can enhance their understanding of CISSP concepts and increase their chances of passing the exam.

Rest Before the Exam

Getting enough rest before taking the CISSP exam is important for doing your best.

Proper rest helps your brain work well, improving memory, focus, and overall thinking skills – all of which are important for success on the CISSP exam.

To make sure you get enough rest, try to stick to a regular sleep schedule and aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night.

Creating a calm and comfy sleep environment, like using blackout curtains, white noise machines, or comfy bedding, can also help you rest better.

Avoiding stimulating activities before bed, such as screen time or heavy meals, can promote better sleep.

Relaxation techniques, like deep breathing, meditation, or gentle stretching before bed, can also help you relax.

Finally, avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bedtime can also help you rest better.

These tips can all help you feel well-rested and ready for success on the CISSP exam.

CISSP Training for Different Learning Styles

Visual Learners

Visual learners in CISSP training can benefit from using diagrams, charts, and mind maps to represent complex concepts. These visual aids help them understand and remember key information. Online videos, infographics, and digital flashcards can also enhance their understanding. In addition, tools like whiteboards, color-coded notes, and flowcharts can be beneficial for organizing and visualizing information. These strategies can improve comprehension and retention of CISSP concepts.

Auditory Learners

Auditory learners in CISSP training have a unique learning style. They learn best through hearing and listening. To cater to this style, they can benefit from specific study methods. These include participating in group discussions, using mnemonic devices, and listening to recorded lectures. By employing these techniques, auditory learners can enhance their CISSP training experience and improve their retention of complex cybersecurity concepts.

For instance, participating in group discussions allows auditory learners to listen to their peers' perspectives and learn from their insights.

Additionally, listening to recorded lectures or cybersecurity-related podcasts offers an alternative way for auditory learners to absorb and process information. These strategies empower auditory learners to leverage their learning style to succeed in their CISSP training.

Kinesthetic Learners

Kinesthetic learners learn best through movement and hands-on activities. For CISSP certification, they can use flashcards, take regular breaks to stretch, and do practical exercises to reinforce theoretical concepts. Engaging them can involve group problem-solving activities, physical demonstrations of security protocols, and real-world scenarios. These strategies help kinesthetic learners fully engage with the material and better understand cybersecurity concepts.


This article is a simple and easy guide for CISSP training. It covers important topics and gives tips for effective preparation. The guide lists the steps to become certified and provides insights for those looking to advance their cybersecurity career.

To get started, you should also have a look at our CISSP Training Program.   

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