Is Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Free?

  • Is Azure data Fundamentals free?
  • Published by: André Hammer on Feb 02, 2024
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Are you thinking about learning data fundamentals on Azure, but not sure about the cost? Many people wonder if Azure Data Fundamentals is free to start with. In this article, we will look at the cost of Azure Data Fundamentals and what to expect when getting into the world of data on this platform.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional, knowing the pricing for Azure Data Fundamentals is important for planning your career or projects.

Detailed Overview of Azure Data Fundamentals Certification

Significance of the Certification

Obtaining the Azure Data Fundamentals Certification can greatly benefit individuals interested in pursuing a career in data and cloud computing.

The certification validates one's knowledge and skills in fundamental concepts of data and the cloud. It demonstrates a commitment to professional growth and development, opening up new career opportunities and providing a competitive edge in the job market.

Additionally, it can lead to increased job security, as many employers value certified professionals. In today's digital age, industry-recognized certifications like Azure Data Fundamentals can significantly increase an individual's marketability and earning potential within the data and cloud computing industry.

Required Skills for Azure Data Fundamentals

Candidates aiming for the Azure Data Fundamentals certification should be proficient in various areas. These include understanding core data concepts, working with relational and non-relational data, and performing analytics on structured and unstructured data.

These skills are important for using Azure data services. They are the foundation for database management, data processing, and data storage within the Azure environment.

To prepare for the certification exam, candidates should focus on data storage options, data processing options, data security, and data monitoring. These specific areas are crucial for success in the certification exam as they test the candidate's ability to apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios within the Azure platform.

Exam Pattern and Content

The Azure Data Fundamentals certification exam has a series of multiple-choice questions. It tests candidates' knowledge of data storage and processing on Microsoft Azure.

The exam covers areas such as relational and non-relational data, core data processing principles, and implementing data processing solutions.

Candidates need to show understanding of data security, compliance, privacy, and concepts of data analytics. They should also describe certain Azure data services.

To prepare, candidates should focus on understanding data management and processing principles. Also, they should learn about Azure data services like Azure SQL Database, Cosmos DB, and Azure Synapse Analytics.

Understanding data privacy, compliance, and data protection principles is also important.

Is Azure Data Fundamentals Free?

Cost of Certification Exam

The Azure Data Fundamentals certification exam costs £99. If you buy exam vouchers in bulk, you can save up to 20% on the total cost. Attending training days can also save money by providing practical preparation and resources. This can help you pass the exam on the first attempt, eliminating the need for additional exam fees.

Available Discounts and Offers

The Azure Data Fundamentals certification sometimes has discounts and special promotions for training days. These can vary based on the time of year and specific training course. Common types of discounts include early bird discounts for signing up early, bundle discounts for purchasing multiple courses, and special promotions for holidays or company milestones.

Additionally, some providers may offer reduced rates for group bookings or referral discounts for bringing in new clients. These discounts and promotions can change often, so those interested in the certification should watch for opportunities to save on training costs.

Training Days and their Benefits

Training days are a great way to get ready for the Azure Data Fundamentals certification. They help people understand the basics of data and tools better.

During these sessions, you can talk to instructors and other learners, ask questions, and share ideas. This helps you remember important concepts.

The hands-on experience in these sessions lets you practice using data platforms like Azure. You can also learn about the tools and technology needed for the certification exam.

By doing practical examples and interactive exercises, you can build the skills and knowledge to do well in the exam and in your job.

These sessions can also boost your confidence and motivation, which can help you pass the certification exam.


Azure Data Fundamentals is available for free on the Microsoft Learn platform. The course gives an introduction to core data concepts and services within Microsoft Azure. There are no costs for accessing the course materials and completing the learning modules.

Readynez also offers a 1-day DP-900 Azure Data Fundamentals Course and Certification Program, providing you with all the learning and support you need to successfully prepare for the exam and certification. The DP-900 Azure Data Fundamentals course, and all our other Microsoft Azure courses, are also included in our unique Unlimited Microsoft Training offer, where you can attend the Azure Data Fundamentals and 60+ other Microsoft courses for just €199 per month, the most flexible and affordable way to get your Microsoft Certifications.

Please reach out to us with any questions or if you would like a chat about your opportunity with the Azure Data Fundamentals certification and how you best achieve it. 


Is Azure Data Fundamentals free to access?

Yes, Azure Data Fundamentals is free to access. It is included in the free learning resources provided by Microsoft Learn, including interactive modules, videos, and hands-on labs.

What are the costs associated with Azure Data Fundamentals?

The cost for taking the Azure Data Fundamentals exam is $99 USD. Additional costs may include purchasing study materials or enrolling in training courses.

Do I need to pay to take the Azure Data Fundamentals exam?

Yes, there is a fee to take the Azure Data Fundamentals exam. The current cost is $99 USD.

Are there any free resources available for studying Azure Data Fundamentals?

Yes, Microsoft offers free resources for studying Azure Data Fundamentals, including self-paced online courses, documentation, and learning paths on their website. Additionally, there are free tutorials and videos available on platforms like YouTube and Pluralsight.

Is there a trial period for accessing Azure Data Fundamentals for free?

Yes, there is a trial period for accessing Azure Data Fundamentals for free. You can access the free trial through the Microsoft Azure website.

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