Is the AZ 900 Exam Hard to Pass? Simple Guide!

  • Is the AZ 900 exam difficult?
  • Published by: André Hammer on Jan 30, 2024

Thinking about taking the AZ-900 exam and wondering if it's hard to pass? You're not alone – many people have the same questions. In this guide, we'll take a closer look at the AZ-900 exam and give you all the information you need to decide if it's a challenge worth taking on. Let's explore what you can expect from this certification exam.

What Is the AZ 900 Exam?

The AZ 900 exam is structured as a foundational-level knowledge assessment, aimed at individuals with a general understanding of cloud services and their deployment models.

The exam format consists of multiple-choice questions, including some true/false ones. The questions cover a wide range of topics such as cloud concepts, core Azure services, security, privacy, compliance, and trust, as well as Azure pricing and support.

To best prepare for the AZ 900 exam, you can utilize Microsoft Learn, which offers free online training modules covering all the main topics in the exam.

Additionally, practical experience with Azure services and hands-on practice through virtual labs or sandbox environments can provide valuable insight and help solidify your understanding of key concepts.

Importance of Azure Fundamentals Certification for Career

The Azure Fundamentals Certification is seen as an entry-level credential for a career in IT and provides a solid foundation for those interested in cloud-based technologies.

Having the Azure Fundamentals Certification can benefit your career in the IT industry. It provides more job options and the potential for higher earnings. This certification is a good starting point for those interested in cloud services at Microsoft.

Obtaining the Azure Fundamentals Certification can greatly enhance your professional profile and lead to new career prospects in IT.

Is the AZ 900 Exam Difficult?

Comparison with other Microsoft exams

The AZ-900 exam is easier than many other Microsoft exams. It focuses on foundational knowledge of cloud services and how they are provided with Microsoft Azure. Other Microsoft exams require more technical knowledge, but the AZ-900 only evaluates basic cloud concepts and core Azure services.

Candidates preparing for the AZ-900 exam may face challenges such as having to cover a wider range of topics due to the broad scope of cloud computing. They’ll also need to understand the practical applications and benefits of cloud services in various business scenarios.

Common challenges for exam candidates

Preparing for the AZ-900 exam can be tough but it depends on your level of experience. Understanding Azure services, grasping technical details, and managing time effectively are common challenges.

To overcome these, thoroughly study the exam topics, practice with sample questions, and seek guidance from experienced professionals. Utilise online resources like video tutorials, study guides, and interactive labs for better understanding.

Develop effective study strategies, set realistic goals, and regularly review the material. This preparation for the AZ-900 exam will ensure that you find it relatively straightforward when you do tackle it.

Exam Format and Topics

Overview of the AZ 900 exam format

The AZ-900 exam has multiple-choice and multiple-response questions. Candidates must select correct answers from a list of options.

The exam will assess your knowledge of fundamental Azure concepts and their application in various scenarios. The exam covers cloud concepts, core Azure services, security, privacy, compliance, pricing, and support. It evaluates candidates' understanding of these topics through practical and general examples to determine their ability to apply Azure fundamentals in real-world scenarios.

Candidates can prove their proficiency in Azure cloud services without needing advanced technical skills.

Detailed breakdown of exam topics

The AZ-900 exam covers basic cloud service concepts and how they're provided with Microsoft Azure. The topics are divided into six main categories:

  1. Cloud Concepts
  2. Core Azure Services
  3. Security, Privacy, Compliance, and Trust
  4. Azure Pricing and Support
  5. Core Solutions and Management Tools on Azure

These topics are presented in a multiple-choice format of varying difficulty. They test the candidate's knowledge of Azure services and how they compare to others.

Common difficulties with the exam

One common challenge for test-takers is the amount of content they need to cover to gain a thorough understanding of Azure services, pricing, and support. It can seem overwhelming.

Additionally, many candidates find it difficult to comprehend the security, privacy, compliance, and trust topics, which require a bit more in-depth knowledge of cloud security. Recalling detailed information about cloud concepts, Azure pricing, and support can also be a challenge.

Managing exam time can also be demanding for some due to the large amount of information to cover within a given time frame.

Exam time and question types

The AZ-900 exam has a variety of multiple-choice questions, drag-and-drop, and scenario-based questions. You’ll have 60 minutes to complete the exam. It's important to manage time well and answer each question thoroughly.

Challenges during the AZ-900 exam include time management, understanding complex scenarios, and recalling detailed information.

Practising with sample questions will definitely help you become familiar with the question types and build confidence in your ability to answer efficiently within the time limit.

Despite the exam’s relative simplicity, adequate preparation in terms of practical experience and theoretical knowledge is crucial for success in the AZ-900 exam.

Preparing for the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Exam

Make a glossary of essential terminology

A glossary for the AZ-900 exam should include important terms like cloud computing, virtual machines, Azure services, and pricing.

Understanding these terms and how they are applied is necessary for both the exam and practical use in the field afterwards. Knowing these terms also helps in specifically understanding Microsoft Azure's concepts and principles. Add to your glossary as you gain knowledge and use it when you revise for your exam.

With this knowledge, you’ll be better able to respond to exam scenarios and questions, improving your chances of passing.

Select the right learning platform

When choosing a learning platform for the AZ-900 exam, it's important to think about a few things:

  1. How comprehensive is the course content?
  2. Are there practice exams and quizzes available?
  3. What kind of support do the instructors offer?

When considering an instructor-led training programme, it's helpful to look at:

  1. The instructor's expertise
  2. Class schedule and format
  3. Opportunity for hands-on learning

For online course materials, it's good to use:

  1. Video tutorials
  2. Interactive labs
  3. Discussion forums

It's also important to set a regular study schedule to keep track of progress and stay on the path to success.

Benefits of instructor-led training

Instructor-led training for the AZ-900 exam holds multiple benefits for your exam preparation. It offers direct interaction with an experienced instructor for real-time feedback and clarification on complex topics. This type of training also provides a structured learning environment, covering all necessary topics comprehensively.

Compared to self-study or online courses, instructor-led training offers a more dynamic learning experience, including group discussions and collaborative activities to enhance understanding and retention. However, it may pose challenges such as schedule constraints and travel requirements for some individuals. Despite these challenges, the advantages of direct instructor guidance and interactive training often outweigh the potential difficulties, making it an effective option for AZ-900 exam preparation.

Utilising online course material effectively

When preparing for the AZ-900 exam, use online course material effectively as there’s so much information out there it can be hard to know what to select and in what order to work through it.

You’ll benefit enormously from creating a structured study plan. It should include specific goals and milestones to help you cover the material thoroughly.

Engaging with the online community and participating in discussions can provide valuable insights and perspectives on the course material.

Making use of various multimedia resources available on online learning platforms, such as videos, interactive quizzes, and practice tests, can also reinforce your understanding and retention of the content.

Be mindful of common pitfalls such as procrastination and over-reliance on passive learning methods like watching video lectures.

Active learning techniques, such as summarising key concepts yourself and teaching others can enhance the benefits of online course material.

By adopting these strategies and avoiding common pitfalls, you can maximise the benefits of online learning platforms and effectively prepare for the AZ-900 exam.

Study books recommended for AZ-900

While practical experience is key, study books can help you prepare for Microsoft Exam AZ-900–and help consolidate your real-world mastery of cloud services and how they can be provided with Microsoft Azure. A couple of suggestions are Microsoft Azure Fundamentals by Jim Cheshire and Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals by J. Hayman, Ph.D. The official Microsoft Learn modules for Azure Fundamentals are also recommended.

However, to properly prepare for the AZ-900 exam, you should also use practice tests and mock exams. These resources will help you get used to the exam format and assess your knowledge.

Hands-on experience with Azure services is also vital for understanding how to apply the concepts in real life. Engaging with the platform and gaining practical experience will help you understand how Azure services work in real-world situations.

That said, studying recommended books for AZ-900 can provide detailed coverage of the exam topics, offering in-depth explanations and examples to help with preparation.

The best formula for success in the AZ-900 exam is a combination of practice tests, hands-on experience, and a few recommended study books.

Is the AZ-900 Exam Difficult to Prepare For?

As with any exam, the more you put in, the more you’ll get out. Organizing your time and study materials well ensures you cover all the required material and keeps you stress-free.

Creating a structured study plan

When preparing for the AZ-900 exam, set clear objectives of what content you want to cover. For example, learning the basics of cloud services and the three main types of cloud data.

Breaking the syllabus/knowledge base into smaller sections and allocating specific time slots for each topic helps hugely with time management. Guidance from online tutors or forums is helpful too.

Once you’re prepared, attempting a few practice tests will give you a good idea of what to expect in the exam and tell you where you still need practice.

These strategies can keep you organized, motivated, and on track to achieve your goals.

Over to You

The AZ-900 exam is not very difficult to pass, especially for those with some experience in cloud services or IT and the motivation to prepare well.

However, you must study as the exam covers a wide range of fundamental cloud concepts. Using resources like practice tests, online courses, and study guides will help you feel more confident and ready for the exam.

Readynez offers a 1-day Azure Fundamentals Course and Certification Program, providing you with all the learning and support you need to successfully prepare for the exam and certification. The Azure Fundamentals course, and all our other Microsoft Azure courses, are included in our unique Unlimited Microsoft Training offer. It allows you to attend the Azure Fundamentals and 60+ other Microsoft courses for just €199 per month; the most flexible and affordable way to get your Microsoft certifications.

Please reach out to us with any questions or if you would like a chat about your opportunity with the Azure Fundamentals certification and how you can best achieve it. 


What is the AZ-900 exam?

The AZ-900 exam is an entry-level certification for Microsoft Azure fundamentals. It validates basic knowledge of cloud concepts, Azure services, security, privacy, compliance, and pricing. Passing this exam demonstrates an understanding of cloud services and their implementation.

What are the main topics covered in the AZ-900 exam?

The main topics covered in the AZ-900 exam are cloud concepts, core Azure services, security, privacy, compliance, and trust, as well as Azure pricing and support. Examples of core Azure services include virtual machines, Azure App Service, Azure Functions, and Azure SQL Database.

Is the AZ-900 exam difficult to pass?

The AZ-900 exam is considered relatively easy to pass, especially for individuals with prior knowledge and experience in cloud computing. With proper preparation, practical experience, and good study resources such as exam guides and practice tests, passing the exam is definitely achievable.

What are some tips for preparing for the AZ-900 exam?

Some tips for preparing for the AZ-900 exam:

  1. Study the official Microsoft Learn modules for Azure Fundamentals.
  2. Create a study plan with specific goals and deadlines.
  3. Take practice exams to assess your knowledge.
  4. Keep calm and keep your goal in mind!

Are there any study resources available for the AZ-900 exam?

Yes, there are study resources available for the AZ-900 exam. Microsoft offers official training modules, practice tests, and exam study guides. Additionally, there are third-party study materials such as books and online courses available.

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